Our mission
A fairer, more accessible world
Autistic people and other neurodivergent people experience some of the greatest inequalities across the UK, often struggling to access employment, healthcare, or support.
We want to help change this. We see a future that puts people in control of their own lives, accessing professional support when and how they need it.

The best of human support and technology
We know that simple technology combined with on-demand, human support, helps people achieve more, manage the day-to-day, and reduce anxiety. Every day, we're inspired by how our users self-manage challenges and build positive habits for life.
We believe support should be personal, human, and timely whilst allowing organisations to spread their limited resources further. To do this, we need to combine the best of digital tools with the power of human support.

Driven by evidence
It is critical that we prove the value of assistive technology at scale. From the start, we have invested heavily in independent research and ongoing evaluation.
We are proud to be one of a handful of companies to have received three Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) grants from NHS England, awarded to businesses with scalable solutions for the NHS. A first of its kind independent clinical study has demonstrated the impact of Brain in Hand and we are DTAC certified.
Co-production in our DNA
Collaboration and co-production has been at the heart of Brain in Hand since our inception. We work with users to design and deliver our system, ensuring we are accessible and meet the needs of our users. It is also critical that we work together with health and care decision makers to transform delivery pathways, and engage with leading researchers to demonstrate value and impact.

Our values

Passionately innovative
With continuous investment in research, technology, and delivery, we will always strive to find a better way of doing things.

Unashamedly ambitious
As fierce defenders of people’s right to independence, we will relentlessly focus on tackling inequalities and drive new ways to better support people.

Bravely collaborative
We will seek to co-produce with users, service providers, and across our teams, listening deeply, and inspiring people to challenge the status quo.

Resolutely supportive
Driven by compassion and kindness, we will nurture, support, celebrate and empower others, whatever our individual differences.